See my publications also on DBLP, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar.
Publication list organized by year:
★ D. Hyland, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, G. Perelli, M. Wooldridge. "Incentive Design for Rational Agents". KR 2024.
★ Y. He, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, A. Saffidine, M. Thielscher. "Verification of General Games with Imperfect Information using Strategy Logic". KR 2024.
★ W. Jamroga, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, G. Perelli. “Playing Quantitative Games Against an Authority: On the Module Checking Problem”. AAMAS 2024.
★ F. Belardinelli, W. Jamroga, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano. “Verification of Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems with Forgetful Strategies”. AAMAS 2024.
★ R. Berthon, J.-P. Katoen, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano. “Natural Strategic Ability in Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems”. AAAI 2024.
F. Belardinelli, W. Jamroga, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano. “Strategic Abilities of Forgetful Agents in Stochastic Environments” (short paper). KR 2023. ArXiv.
★ M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Discounting in Strategy Logic”. IJCAI 2023 (supplementary material).
M. Mittelmann, S. Bouveret, L. Perrussel. “Representing and reasoning about auctions” (extended abstract). AAMAS 2023.
F. Noviello, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, S. Stranieri. “Parking Problem with Multiple Gates”. PAAMS 2023.
A. Murano, M. Mittelmann, S. Stranieri. “Multi-Agent Parking Problem with Sequential Allocation”. ICAART 2023.
★ M. Mittelmann, B. Maubert, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Formal Verification of Bayesian Mechanisms” (supplementary material, poster). AAAI 2023.
M. Mittelmann, B. Maubert, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. "Verification of Bayesian Mechanisms with Strategy Logic" (extended abstract). SPIRIT@AIxIA 2023.
M. Mittelmann. “Formally Reasoning about Strategies in Mechanisms” (extended abstract). Overlay@AIxIA 2022.
M. Mittelmann. “Logics for Reasoning about Auctions” (Short Paper). SPIRIT@AIxIA 2022.
M. Mittelmann, B. Maubert, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Synthesis of Mechanisms with Strategy Logic” (communication paper). ICTCS 2022.
★ M. Mittelmann, B. Maubert, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Automated synthesis of mechanisms”. IJCAI 2022.
★ F. Belardinelli, W. Jamroga, V. Malvone, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Reasoning about Human-Friendly Strategies in Repeated Keyword Auctions”. AAMAS 2022. Extended version on ArXiv.
★ M. Mittelmann, S. Bouveret, L. Perrussel. “Representing and reasoning about auctions”. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 36, 20 (2022).
★ B. Maubert, M. Mittelmann, A. Murano, L. Perrussel. “Strategic Reasoning in Automated Mechanism Design”. KR 2021.
M. Mittelmann, S. Bouveret, L. Perrussel. “A General Framework for the Logical Representation of Combinatorial Exchange Protocols” (extended abstract). AAMAS 2021. Extended version on ArXiv.
M. Mittelmann, A. Herzig and L. Perrussel. “Epistemic Reasoning about Rationality and Bids in Auctions”. JELIA 2021.
M. Mittelmann and L. Perrussel. “An Epistemic Logic for Reasoning about Strategies in General Auctions”. EELP@ICLP 2020.
★ M. Mittelmann and L. Perrussel. “Auction Description Language (ADL): a General Framework for Representing Auction-based Markets”. ECAI 2020.
M. Mittelmann and L. Perrussel. “Game Description Logic with Integers: A GDL Numerical Extension”. FoIKS 2020. Pre-print version on ArXiv.
M. Mittelmann, J. Marchi, and A. von Wangenheim. “A Fuzzy-Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach for Inference Filtering”. ICAISC 2019.
[Portuguese] M. Mittelmann, J. Marchi, and A. von Wangenheim. “Data Fusion through Fuzzy-Bayesian Networks for Belief Generation in Cognitive Agents”. In: Revista de Informática Teorica e Aplicada. Vol. 26 (2019), pp. 69–80.
[Portuguese] M. Mittelmann and D. G. Soares. “Previsão de Casos de Dengue em Itajaí – SC por meio de Redes Neurais Artificiais Multicamadas e Recorrentes”. Computer on the Beach 2017.
[Portuguese] M. Mittelmann and D. G. Soares. “Previsão de Casos de Dengue em Guarulhos com Redes Neurais Artificiais Multicamadas e Recorrentes”. In: Revista de Informática Aplicada. Vol. 13 (2017), pp. 68–74.
Quantitative Module Checking
(AAMAS 2024)
Discounting in Strategy Logic (IJCAI 2023)
Formal Verification of Bayesian Mechanisms (AAAI 23)
Automated Synthesis of Mechanisms (IJCAI 2022)